10 januari 2018
Neth-ER declaration: EU must invest in knowledge
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10 januari 2018
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Research, innovation and education should be core priorities for the next Multiannual Financial Framework, states Neth-ER, together with other organisations in the field of education, research and innovation in their declaration ‘Invest in knowledge’. Other organisations are encouraged to express their support for the declaration on the declaration’s website to increase its impact.
Investing in research, innovation and education should be of paramount importance in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) if Europe wants to meet its ambitious goals regarding smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Neth-ER, together with several other organisations in the field of education, research and innovation, calls for a modern budget to ensure that the successors to programmes such as Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ can continue to create lasting European added value and sustain economic growth in their declaration ‘Invest in knowledge’.
Furthermore, the declaration calls on the European Commission and Member States to articulate ambitions to increase the budget for knowledge programmes, support the prioritisation of knowledge in all European programmes and show determination to enable potential synergies and complementarity between the programmes. It recalls the future envisioned in the Rome Declaration and encourages everyone to strive for coherent European knowledge policy on the road to inclusive and sustainable prosperity.
Other organisations are encouraged to provide their support to the declaration in order to achieve more impact. By clicking on the link ‘Support the declaration’ on the declaration website, you can add the logo and name of your organisation to the declaration.
NIEUW: Ontdek de kennisbrieven van Neth-ER
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