Join us on 27 October for a discussion on gaining international competences through virtual and blended student mobility. During this webinar, we will explore the role digitalisation can play to support internationalisation in education and exchange views on how this can take shape in a virtual classroom or internship.

Webinar – Digitalisation of student mobility: gaining international competences in times of corona through virtual and blended mobility

International competences in a digital world

As a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis, digitalisation in education has inevitably intensified. With classes moving online out of necessity, international student mobility for both education and internships has been heavily impacted. We invite you to a discussion on digitalisation in student mobility.


We aim to answer the central question: how do you acquire international competences in a digital international classroom or during a virtual internship? Moreover, what is necessary to make virtual or blended mobility succeed? How do we engage students in virtual mobility? And how can virtual and blended mobility be deployed to best support physical mobility?


11:00 – 11:05

Welcome – Mariëlle van Heumen, Policy Adviser at Neth-ER

11:05 – 11:10

Introduction of the international competence model – Anne Rosier, researcher at Nuffic

11:10 – 11:25

International Higher Education students on learning in a virtual classroom – Yigit Kirca (International student, studying a BA in physics at the University of Groningen) and Pham Vu Hoang (International student, studying a BA in International Communication at Hanzehogeschool), moderator: Anne Rosier

11:25 – 11:40

Students' experiences on learning during a virtual internship – Tychô Kort (Hogeschool Zuyd, virtual internship South Africa) and Sylvie van Hugten (Nimeto Utrecht, virtual internship Spain), moderator: Anne Rosier

11:40 – 11:55

Presentation by the Commission on the Digital Education Action Plan and the role of student mobility – Chrystalla Petridou, Policy assistant to the director for Innovation, International Cooperation and Sports, DG EAC, European Commission

11:55 – 12:00

Closing remarks – Mariëlle van Heumen, Policy Adviser at Neth-ER


Registration form

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 27 October 2020 from 11:00 to 12:00 via WebEx. The working language of the webinar will be English, however some contributions from the speakers will be in Dutch with interpretation. Participants will be able to ask questions in the chat during the webinar, as well as beforehand in the registration form.


Registration takes place via this link and is possible until 25 October. After registration, recipients will receive a confirmation and a link to the webinar. For questions about the registration and the programme, please send an e-mail to


This webinar is jointly organised in cooperation with the members of Neth-ER in the field of vocational education and higher education: Nuffic, JOB, LSVb, ISO, MBO Raad, Vereniging Hogescholen and VSNU.

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