17 maart 2016
Europe increasingly important for Dutch science
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17 maart 2016
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Europe becomes more important for the Dutch research and innovation sector. This is the main conclusion that The Rathenau Institute presented in their report De Nederlandse wetenschap in de European Research Area, concerning the importance and the meaning of the Dutch science field in the European Framework programmes.
Europe becomes more important for the Dutch research and innovation sector. This is the main conclusion that The Rathenau Institute presented in their report De Nederlandse wetenschap in de European Research Area, concerning the importance and the meaning of the Dutch science field in the European Framework programmes.
Framework Programmes becoming more important for Dutch
Europe becomes more important for the Dutch research and innovation sector, but the contribution of the Dutch sector becomes less important for the European Framework Programme as a whole. Under FP7 Dutch researchers and innovators were involved in more projects than ever before, but the relative participation of the Netherlands decreased. In 4476 FP7 projects a Dutch researcher or organisation participated as partner. This is almost four times as many projects as there were under FP2. According to the report, the increasing Europeanisation of the Dutch sector also shows in the number of publications written with partners from other European Member States. In 1975, 13% of all Dutch publications had been written in collaboration with other EU Member States. This number has risen in 2014 to 58% of all Dutch publications.
Dutch presence in Europe is stable
The increase in the absolute participation numbers of the Dutch in the Framework Programmes is mostly due to the growth of the programmes, according to the report. The relative participation of the Dutch did not grow over the same period. Even more so, the relative participation decreased from 27% of the projects under FP2 having a Dutch partner participating to just 17% under FP7. The same pattern shows in the participation of the Dutch as coordinator in FP projects. In FP2 the Dutch coordinated 9% of all FP projects, whereas in FP7 it was only 5%. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the Dutch are less often the coordinators of a project in which they are partners. In FP2 this was the case in 35% of the projects and in FP7 it was 27%.
More information
Press release Rathenau Institute (in Dutch): Nederlandse wetenschap steeds meer Europees
Publication Rathenau Institute (in Dutch): De Nederlandse wetenschap in de European Research Area
Website European Commission: The Seventh Framework Programme
Website Thomson Reuters: Web of Science
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