25 mei 2022
Invitation for hybrid event ‘European Green Deal: Impact and vision of Dutch research’

Just van den Hoek
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25 mei 2022
Meer informatie nodig? Stel uw vraag aan één van onze medewerkers
Neth-ER and Universities of the Netherlands cordially invite you to join the forthcoming hybrid event ‘European Green Deal: Impact and vision of Dutch research’ on June 21st from 15:30-17:30.
This event aims at exploring the possibilities for research at European level and at scrutinizing the role of knowledge institutions as co-creators of the Green Deal, alongside the political level. Furthermore, we will discuss how the research agenda of institutions is shaped by the green transition ambitions.
To these aims, the event will provide a platform for knowledge institutions and policymakers to exchange information, best practices and case studies at research and institutional level.
Topics that will be addressed include:
- Policy and funding synergies at European level
- Institutional actions to give shape to the implementation of the Green Deal
- Multi-level cooperation between different types of stakeholders
- The contribution of different research disciplines to the green transition
Introductory statement by moderator Jurgen Rienks, Director of Neth-ER
Green Deal ambitions and the role of research
- Anastasios Kentarchos, Adviser Climate Science & Innovation, Directorate-General Research & Innovation, European Commission
Panel discussion: Knowledge institutions as co-creators
- Kornelis Blok, Chair of the TU Delft Energy Initiative (DEI), Professor of Energy Systems Analysis TU Delft, Chairman Netherlands Energy Research Alliance
- Joep Houterman, Chairman of the Board of Fontys University of applied sciences
- Ineke Hoving-Nienhuis, Directorate Innovation and Knowledge, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
The influence of the green transition on research agendas
- Marije Klomp, Head Sustainability Office Radboud University
- Tirza van Daalen, Director Geological Survey of the Netherlands
Practical information and registration form
Date & time: Tuesday June 21st from 15:30 to 17:30, with networking drinks afterwards
Location: Neth-ER, Rue d’Arlon 22, 1050 Brussels
Format: hybrid
Language: English
Registration: Registration takes place via this link and is possible until June 19th. Please indicate your preference for on-site or online participation. Irrespective of your preferred mode of attendance, all participants will receive online connection information. In case the interest of attending in-person will surpass available seats, we will select the participants wishing to attend in-person, to ensure diversity of representation. We will confirm via a separate email the mode of attendance to all those that expressed a preference for on-site attendance.
The event will be recorded and a recap will appear on the Neth-ER website.
For further questions about the registration and the programme, please contact neth-er@neth-er.eu.
This event is jointly organised by Neth-ER and Universities of the Netherlands.
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