20 juli 2021
Registration opened: Webinar ‘The Gender Dimension in European RD&I’
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20 juli 2021
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Neth-ER and TNO cordially invite you to join the webinar ‘The Gender Dimension in European RD&I’ on September 2nd from 16:00 to 17:30.
On September 2nd, Neth-ER and TNO are hosting an event on the gender dimension in European research, development & innovation. This webinar aims at scrutinizing the gender dimension in the European RD&I policy agenda and at exploring how the gender dimension can best be integrated into RD&I projects. Furthermore, we will discuss how knowledge institutions organize themselves to promote gender balance, and gendered innovations.
To these aims, the event will provide a platform for knowledge institutions and policymakers to exchange information, best practices and case studies at research and institutional level.
Topics that will be addressed include:
• Gender dimension & policy
• Gender dimension in Horizon Europe
• Gender dimension in knowledge institutions
• Gendered innovations
16:00 - 16:05 Introduction by Christine Balch, Head of EU Affairs, TNO
16:05 - 16:20 Keynote speech by Sergej Možina, Coordinator Research and Space of the
Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU
16:20 - 16:35 Presentation by Jeanne Lenders, Policy Officer for Gender Equality,
DG Research and Innovation - European Commission
16:35 - 17:15 Panel discussion on the gender dimension in knowledge institutions
and gendered innovations, moderated by Christine Balch,
Head of EU Affairs, TNO
Panel members:
• Marcela Linková, GENDERACTION coordinator and
Chair of ERAC Working Group on Gender in R&I
• Oana van der Togt, Senior Business Developer Space
and Scientific Instrumentation, TNO
• Ineke Klinge, Rapporteur Gendered Innovations 2
and Chair Horizon 2020 Advisory Group on Gender
17:15-17:30 Wrap-up, Q&A and closure - Christine Balch, Head of EU Affairs, TNO
The event will take place on Thursday September 2nd from 16:00 to 17:30 via Microsoft Teams. The event will be held in English. Registration takes place via this link and is possible until August 31st. Prior to the event, participants will receive a Microsoft Teams-link to the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and a recap will appear on the Neth-ER website. For further questions about the registration and the programme, please contact neth-er@neth-er.eu.
This webinar is jointly organised by Neth-ER and TNO.
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